Discount voucher

Discount code

If you received a discount code from Hopper Winkel by e-mail or post, you must indicate when ordering what you want to use the discount for. Enter the code when prompted during the payment process.
Please note that the discount code may only be applicable to one item, specific items or a certain period or from a specific order amount. This will have been communicated when you received the discount code.
The code can only be used once and is linked to an e-mail address. The e-mail address to which the voucher was sent must be used when redeeming it. The discount code cannot be redeemed through another e-mail address.
Each voucher is valid for a certain period of time, after which it can no longer be used.
Unless stated otherwise, each voucher can only be used once for each person and e-mail address.

If a voucher is used for items priced below the voucher value, any remaining value will be lost. It will not be re-issued. Offers are valid while stocks last.
Vouchers must not be modified, falsified or their functionality undermined, e.g. through hacking, the spreading of viruses, spamming or forwarding.

Any (attempted) fraud or other unauthorised activity shall be registered and lead to the application of discount codes being refused.

In the event of questions or comments concerning the use of discount codes or problems with their redemption, please let us know as soon as possible by contacting our customer service on +32-3-231.62.68.