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Forest class Woutershof

No extra charges ... maximum invoice: not a problem!

it does not have to be expensive at all! A week of forest classes is possible at Woutershof without supplementary charges! Is your school located in the neighbourhood? Then travel by bike, using the cycling network. You might even take the opportunity of connecting this to a live lessen in traffic safety! Furthermore, you are very mobile to explore the neighbourhood. This way, we save the costs of a bus. Discover the flora and fauna in your backyard...

  • Walk through the nature reserve
  • Search, photo search
  • Building rafts, and playing in the Abeek
  • Campfire, singing and acting at the kiosk
  • Forest games
  • Creek hike
  • Field games
  • Visit to a windmill
  • Swimming in the River Maas (beach Ophoven)
  • Making kites
  • Visit to a modern farm
  • Nature conservation works
  • Groundwater project
  • Water biotope study
  • Lesson about wate courses, irrigatiion
  • Lesson in history about the border with the Netherlands, visiting the boundary marks
  • baking pizza in the wood stove

... many possibliities for the creative teacher...


Monday: exploration - photo search - flora and fauna around Woutershof

Tuesday: hike through nature reserve, picknick at the domain de Luysen

Wednesday: building rafts in the A-beek - lesson "irrigation and  marshland" - creek hike

Thursday: field games - making kites - nature conservation works - campfire

Friday: visit to a modern farm

Extra charges: none


More information about forest classes? or 089/70 17 94

Also check the other activities we offer, enough options to complete your stay with a well-balanced programm: playing, learning, interacting, and above all, discovering! We love to help you making the perfect puzzle for your group. A customized programm for anyone's budget.

Check all activities